"Think how you can, not why you can't." - Dr. John H. Cox -

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Music Depends on Silence

If you know me much, you'll know that I simply love Sheryl Crow.  Beyond being a remarkably gifted writer, vocalist and musician, I have read and listened to innumerable interviews conducted with her over the years, and I honor her willingness to share of herself freely, her authenticity, and her courage in advocating that which she feels most passionate about.

Having been perhaps the first in line at Dunkirk Walmart to purchase her new album, "100 Miles From Memphis" I slipped the disc into my car player with bated breath and listened all the way through.  I may have listened to it some 5 or 6 times since, but something kept bringing me back to this particular song.

It is a given that not everyone cares to dissect music the way I do.  Most are quite content in rolling with the genre of their choice and enjoying the ride.  I have done this for as long as I can remember.  Even as a teen, I remember playing songs over and over again on the record player (I don't mind dating myself) and singling out parts, e.g. only the drum beats this time, only the melody this time...more Octagon Peg-ish phenomena for the Tina bucket.

So, I was listening to this song this and wondering, "what it is about this song that so easily and fully captivates me?"  Soul-stirring melody, for sure.  Thought-provoking lyrics, yes.  But, that's not it.  No......what is it?  I close my eyes and listen once more, and come to this interesting conclusion.

What is so strikingly evident in this song is the way she harnesses her energy.....drawing in and capturing her own breath.......pausing.......and then deciding how to use it next.  Much like a lioness, who easily shifts at a moment's notice, from licking her cubs to warning a potential predator with a fierce roar lit from the deepest depths of her soul.   This is the essence of the Divine Feminine in its purest and rawest sense.

What a tremendous model for all of womankind!  Most assuredly, I will never sing like Sheryl Crow.  But, I do intend to practice this today...so, if you happen to see me pause for a moment...well...you'll know.

How will we choose to use our energy today?


  1. "This is the essence of the Divine Feminine in its purest and rawest sense."

    loved this, tina!

  2. I told you she had moved to Memphis and was doing country shows. Now it's really evident. She is good!
