"Think how you can, not why you can't." - Dr. John H. Cox -

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Winged Subtleties

"Hey, nice lady.  You, in the Honda.  Pssssssst.  Over here.  I'm really hurt, and I'm flopping all around on this hot concrete.  I can't fly.  It's h-o-t.  Can you help me?  Yeah, over here........."

"Easy...easy.  Remember, don't touch my wings, k?"

"Aaaaaaaah...yes...much better.  Should I be afraid of you?

See?  I have a paper cut in my wing.  See?  I can't fly anymore.  I've been trying all day.  I'm getting really tired now.  And the concrete is burning the rest of my body."

"You're really nice.  Thanks for being so gentle.  Wanna hold hands?  I can feel your pulse, can you feel mine?"

"Listen, I don't have much longer to live.  Do you think you could find a peaceful spot for me in the shade?"

"And, before you go.........



  1. T - ohmy she's HUGE!! I guess I'm not a naturalist (here's my first clue) coz I'm wondering what she IS?? Butterfly? That's my first guess - but then - did you feed her MiracleGro or something???

    Would LOVE to know what her colors were/are? (they look purple and yellow, but I'm not sure -- you know how colors can get picked up funny by the camera - especially in bright light)...

    What a beautiful heart you have - to have noticed, then stopped, then let a bug or ?whatever? that's almost as big as you are (and could've dragged you off to it's lair and had you for lunch - the whole thing could've been a charade--ok, i'm being silly)-- anyway, for you to be so gentle and kind -- and get pics too...muah - big kiss for you nature girl!!

  2. she's a yellow imperial moth :) Colors......golden yellow and yes, some purple and brownish. If only I had had the "good" cam with me......these are from my cell. Isn't she beautiful? It was so hard to resist touching her wings, which looked like SILK, but I didn't......

  3. Gorgeous! I think she should spin you some silk to repay your kindness!

  4. You never cease to amaze me!

  5. This is the loveliest!!!! I adore you're loving, gentle spirit. I'm sure she did too, and I think after resting in the cool of the green for a while she was able to mend herself and then fly away home to tell of your kindness.

  6. WOW! Beautiful and thoughtful, oh my. Honored to have you share that =)
