"Think how you can, not why you can't." - Dr. John H. Cox -

Thursday, July 1, 2010

*Start *HERE*

Right here.

Right now.

Where we are TODAY.

Shall we?

There is something 


utterly fascinating


and over-the-top

about this moment

about this day

about now.

Something about it's awakening


reaching forth to greet us.

There is something about *here*

the remnants of old

the promise of new

together under the same sun.


There is something momentous about it

about life and death

holding hands.

Something about yesterday

slowly slipping 

through the cracks

until it is nothing

but a memory

a lesson

a drop under the bridge.

There is something about 

last year

and ten years ago

scattered about

like pebbles

tiny acorn hats

grains of sand

in the corners

of our mind's eye.

There is something


about exhaling

a moment ago

And inhaling



What shall we do?


  1. Wow - very moving reflection this morning. Something to get one things and ready for the holiday weekend!

  2. Great poem & post! *Here* is the only place we CAN start from. Love the images that tie in with your words, your emotions, your being. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. love it!love it!love it! I have a very similar clay angel in my backyard in Woodland Hills!!!
    thanks for the inspiration, I need to fill my cup to the brim till its flowing over xoxo
