"Think how you can, not why you can't." - Dr. John H. Cox -

Friday, September 3, 2010

It's YOUR TURN to Decide

For some reason there seems to be a slight buzz about taking giant leaps swirling around this week.  Coincidence?  Perhaps.  But not likely.

Anyway, I've been thinking about it alot - this giant leap thing.  I have taken more giant leaps in the last five years than in my entire adult lifetime; and particularly in the last year. 

Once the "Grand Tsunami of late 2009" hit, I was forced to reconsider, revamp, and redirect in more ways than I can count on my fingers and toes.  Cuz, when a wave picks you up, tosses you around like t.p. going DOWN, then graciously sends you airborne and plants you at the top of a cliff - well, it can be a bit disorienting to say the least.  "Where is my bathing suit top anyway?"




So, ya stand there - thankful to be in one piece - adjusting, brushing yourself off, pulling seaweed outta your eyelashes - and then take a look around.  In my case - it's apt to be a LONG look around.  I'm no good at uncharted waters, somewhat leery of heights, and - LEAP?  heh.  Sure.  You go first!

There's a quote by Diane English...well, I'm not sure if she actually wrote it, but she uses it in her cards (which I absolutely love).

*momentary pause to add Diane English boxed cards to birthday/Christmas wish list.


and the net will appear.

That quote has been with me for years - and has gotten me through some pretty scary free falls.  That's some pretty radical TRUST in the Universe she's talkin about right there, eh?

I had a conversation recently with a fellow businesswoman and friend, and she made this comment..

"When wondering how you'll wind up becomes less frightening to you than KNOWING how you'll end up if you stay [at the top of the mountain]...that's the right time [to leap].

Now THOSE are some words of wisdom!  Yes!  I am sure to get 200k miles out of that mantra!

So, I started thinking...ok, so maybe sometimes you aren't really at the top of a mountain.  Maybe it just FEELS like a mountain.  Maybe it's a medium leap.  Or even a tiny one.  A hill.  Let's say a hill.  Hey, if you aren't familiar with your surroundings, and you're not sure what's at the bottom or what happens if you just sit at the top - it's just as intimidating, methinks!  How about if you're on the ground, but still feel frozen - paralyzed - afraid to take a step in any direction cuz you're not sure how it might turn out?  Aaaaaaah...I recall that Anais Nin quote I used to having hanging on my bulletin board in my...ahem...corporate penthouse office...

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

Oooooooooh yeah.  Now.  Now we're really getting into it!


"Where's the closing paragraph?" you ask.  

Today feels like a day for deciding for yourself, don'tcha think?

~ T ~ 


  1. yes!

    Tina, I love the way you write - it's as if we're having a private conversation. One I want to never end.

    I love you so much!

  2. ps. outstanding photographs - just want to eat them!
