"Think how you can, not why you can't." - Dr. John H. Cox -

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Know You Can

How to Catch A Mermaid - by Margaret Dean
Decidedly, my all-time favorite!

I have admired this print from afar for at least five years.  I wish I owned it.  In fact, I'll even go as far as to say...I wish I owned it in a huge size...framed...so I could hang it over my bed.  Yeah, that's where she belongs.  Bucket list.

But for today, I will settle for sharing her here.  I know you're my friends and all, but....please don't steal her!  :)

Today I need her.  Cuz, she inspires the daylights out of me, and secretly has for many years.

Truthfully, I have always imagined her emerging from the swamp, slipping and sliding in that mud.  Look again.  Her hair is muddied and sodden.  She is undaunted.   And it seems to me the storm clouds are following her.  She is resolute.  Look at her face.  She is intent.   

The way her arm is sinking...it makes me wonder if there is quicksand in there...and, if she stops - even for a moment, to rest - what will happen then? 

There is no "visible" Sol in this image, and yet, you can tell the sun is ahead of her by the subtle rays gracing her limbs.

In my mind, I clamber alongside, and whisper.....

"I know you can.  I know you can.  I know you can." 

*Aside: she "travels" much like a lotus flower, don't you think?  :)


  1. I love her too! I really love the image of the angel in her tail-- standing behind her, nudging her on, whispering, "I got your back, you can do it, nothing can stop us now"

    Mmmm, Thanks for sharing her :)

  2. I second that. And third it. And unanimously approve it!

  3. You can do it, Mermaid...you can do it!

    She's great!

  4. It seems my little mermaid has some fans *grins*

  5. Leesa - goddess of the gypsy moonMay 15, 2010 at 7:46 PM

    I love this blog post!
    I love mermaids (my bathroom is in honor of her)
    & my small collection is magickal.

    Your mermaid is so STRONG! As if it's impossible for her to be captured - She is not ownable! I love her unbreakable spirit! Her tenacity! Her complete self asurance, who cares if she's got mud on her face, she'll tend to that later.

    I completely see her being your mentor/guide while you heal.

    This image would be so lovely above a bed - I would even go as far as having her printed by a sign maker out of canvas-like material and make a padded headboard from it. Just a thought.

    Check out the link below, it somehow seems more vibrant (the lovely angel tail actually glows!); it's been retouched by the artist.


    I love this "how to catch a mermaid" jewelry! I LOVE the pendant most(the earrings are cool too)!Can see it dangling from a gothic chain - intoxicating!
    They even sell a pouch with the image for your "Precious Things" like tarot cards!

    I was born in March - birthstone is Aquamarine. Which according to legend came from the mermaids treasure chest! I use to visualize this as a girl... being draped in all her treasured jewels.
    As an adult I love to wear jewels - I love blue, but I don't wear it that often anymore (when I was 14/15 I ONLY wore blue, ha).
    But today - your blog has awakened a gift inside me. It suddenly occured to me I should be wearing Aquamarine daily!

    * it gives you the strength you need to take responsibility for yourself (keeping you on your desired path)and even insures your success!
    * it keeps your heart light and creativity flowing
    * it stimulates, cleanses & activates the throat chakra which helps us speak our deepest truths - (so we may say even more than "my heart hurts". This breaks my heart! ...knowing your precious baby said & gestured it! oooooo tears welling up)
    * balance. Don't know about you sister, but I need this on so many levels!

    And, yes! a lotus flower!

  6. Leesa ~ The real KICKER is ----- I was taking a stab in the dark and contacted Selina Fenech who was kind enough to contact Margaret Dean and make it available to me! Then there was the issue of how to get it. I didn't want to miss out on perhaps my last chance. So I "took this" to my manifestation circle and talked about it, and.....guess what? Teresa, who is my student/friend/sister had already been working on GETTING IT FOR ME. Just goes to prove.....if you want something, you have to ask for it! (workin on that one)
    p.s. I plan to make Teresa come over here personally and hang her for me. A ceremony of sorts ;)
