"Think how you can, not why you can't." - Dr. John H. Cox -

Saturday, April 17, 2010

And Now - A Word from Our Sponsor - The Universe

Yes, of course I know it's a little crooked.  But it's the best I can pull off this morning.......

And, before you get all ruffled up, here's my disclaimer:

- I realize there's a weensy chance somebody reading this could get offended or question the Sri Krishna Lord of Love stuff.  And if so, I apologize, and maybe you should just go out for a latte or sumn :)  OK, so...it's an excerpt from a story.  The Bhagavad Gita.  And, in Western society we have fairy tales and nursery rhymes and cartoons, with hidden meanings, do we not?  We use Sesame Street (is that still on?) and Dora (whoever she is) to teach stuff to our kids.  Even Christianity refers to parables in the Bible, right?  So, if you can get past your own resistance....simply waltz right through it......I think there's much for us to learn and enjoy...just in this one little verse...I know there is for me, at least...hence, I share -

I made a feeble attempt at scanning this, rather than just typing out the English translation and commentary because I just love the way it looks.  In fact, I simply love all Sanskrit writing.  It's my favorite language.  Beautiful, isn't it?  :)

And there is much that resonates with me in this verse.  You?  The word attached jumps right off the page and heads immediately for my solar plexus.  *gulp* Am I the only one who is constantly working on this principle of non-attachment?  I'm always talking about it.  Maybe it's just my personal challenge and yours is another?  One hard principle to master, methinks.  And clearly, I have a long way to go.

On to selfless action - karma yoga - Easwaran (the commentator) is pretty blunt, isn't he?  "...a marvelous concept which most of us cannot even grasp....we live in a prison of Ego"   Hmmm.  "....we are not free agents, but robots....automata, being pushed from behind by forces out of our control...." Whew.  That's some heavy duty stuff right there.  Thoughts?  Not quite convinced about the automata thing?  May I propose a challenge?  I challenge YOU/US to designate a day.....a weekday......to make yourself as silent and still as possible whilst still functioning in your everyday world, and just observe the goings-on around you.  Just for fun, of course ;)

And that last part - boy, that'll really getcha - "...when the walls of this prison have become so high we cannot climb over them at all..."   Quadruple Whew!  Is it hot in here? 

Happy Sunshiney Weekend, Beautiful Peeps.


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